Welcome to ASD2

PowerSchool Parent Portal

Anderson 2 App

Anderson School District 2 encourages you to download the district mobile app (links below) to access PowerSchool Parent Portal.

You can access the web version of the Parent Portal here in which you can view student report cards.



PowerSchool Mobile App Not Recommend for Use

ASD2 prefers parents and students use the Parent Portal Dashboard located in the Anderson 2 App.

Please understand if you use the PowerSchool Mobile App you will not have access to all the dashboard features such as the student report card.

If you experience issues with the app PowerSchool recommends that you uninstall then reinstall it. ASD2 has limited access to the PowerSchool app and troubleshooting may not be an option.

What is Parent Portal?

PowerSchool Parent Portal provides access to student grades and attendance information. Both parents and students can access grade and attendance information via a web browser or through the dashboard on the Anderson 2 app. 

How do I get an account?

Email the PowerSchool Helpdesk from the email address you listed in the Final Form Registration or complete the PowerSchool Portal Help Desk Request. Please allow 48 hours for a response.

Before emailing you must first read the Parent Portal Acceptable Use Guidelines.

I think I have an account.

Parents who've created an account in Anderson 2 should not create another account. Contact the PowerSchool Helpdesk for additional assistance from the email address listed in Final Forms Registration. Provide your name, your child's name, and a contact phone number where you can be reached when emailing. You may also complete the PowerSchool Portal Help Desk Request.

Parents and Students may email the PowerSchool Help Desk at Powerschool@asd2.org or complete the PowerSchool Portal Help Desk Request. Emails/Requests will be answered as soon as possible and most within 48 hours. We are happy to help you!


Q: Do I need a Parent Portal account?

A: Yes. Beginning Q3 of 2021-2022 grades, attendance, report cards, surveys, and other information will only be available through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.


Q: I created a parent account last year. Can I still use it?

A: Yes. Your account information is still active and your password has not changed. For assistance with your username/password email the PowerSchool Helpdesk or complete the PowerSchool Portal Help Desk Request.


Q: I'm not sure if I have an account or not.

A: Email the PowerSchool Helpdesk or complete the PowerSchool Portal Help Desk Request.


Q: My student doesn't know their changed password from last year. What can I do?

A: Student usernames/passwords are protected from alteration and password recovery. Please see your media specialist or school tech to ask for a password reset or additional information.


Q: I'm a student. How do I check my own grades?

A: If you have not yet received your username and password, you can speak to your guidance office or email the PowerSchool Help Desk (Powerschool@asd2.org). Once you have your username and password you need only type in the information. You do not have to create an account. Account creation is for parents only.


Q: As the primary parent or court-ordered guardian, how can I ensure that I am the only adult with access to grades and attendance information?

A: We can quickly access this information. Email the PowerSchool Help Desk (Powerschool@asd2.org) to start the conversation or complete the PowerSchool Portal Help Desk Request.


Q: I have multiple students in the school district. Can I see them all from one account?

A: Yes all students may be viewed from one Parent Portal account once all schools are active. Please email the PowerSchool Helpdesk or complete the PowerSchool Portal Help Desk Request to have your new student added to your current account.


Q: How can I contact my student's teachers?

A: Within the Parent Portal, email address information is available by clicking on the teacher's name in the grade report.


Q: What about Mobile Apps for Google or Apple?

A: While there are apps for PowerSchool Mobile, the district discourages parents from using these apps. If you choose to use the mobile PowerSchool app you will NOT have access to the Report Cards. This feature and others are only available on the web portal. The district strongly encourages parents and students to use the Anderson 2 app and refrain from downloading the PowerSchool Mobile App.


Q: What is the district code for the App?

A: Again, we do not recommend or support the PowerSchool App. The district code is DLWB, but it is not recommended.

Q: How can I get help?

A: For program/technical issues, send questions and comments to the PowerSchool Help Desk (Powerschool@asd2.org) or complete the PowerSchool Portal Help Desk Request. For attendance, grades, report card issues, or student information questions, contact the school of enrollment. Please note the district can only troubleshoot the Parent Portal web portal dashboard. If you are having issues with the PowerSchool mobile app you will be asked to log in to the dashboard.