Anderson School District Two will begin accepting 4K applications and 5K registrations on February 1st for the 2022-23 school year. Applications/Registrations may be completed online or at schools.

In an effort to support United Way and Honea Path Community Chest contributions, ASD2 Superintendent, Mr. Jason Johns selected one participating teacher from each school to enter into a drawing for a chance to receive a day off while he teaches their class. This week Mr. Johns volunteered as a substitute teacher at Honea Path Elementary in Mrs. Kim Barefoot's class. We are not sure who enjoyed it more--Mr. Johns, the students, or Mrs. Barefoot!!!

During School Board Recognition Month, our ASD2 Board Members signed a copy of the School Carolina School Boards Association’s ethical principles. The signed copy of the ethical principles will be framed and hung in the boardroom at the district office.

During the January 2022 Board meeting, Rylan Frost and Bailey Owens of Honea Path Elementary School recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you Rylan and Bailey!

Our very own, Mr. Sam Gilmer, was awarded the Volunteer of the Month for United Way of Anderson. Please join us in congratulating Sam for this well deserved honor! What a wonderful difference he makes in our community.

Anderson School District 2 Board Member, Mr. Phil Ashley, was recognized by the South Carolina School Boards Association for faithfully serving our students for 10 years. Thank you, Mr. Ashley, for your service to our district!!

Professional Development 1/14/2022

Student Holiday 1/17/2022

Join our ASD2 team!

Join our ASD2 team!

Please join us in showing our appreciation for our wonderful and dependable School Resource Officers.

Congratulations to our Anderson School District Two Bosch Eco and STEM Teacher Grant awardees!

You may have noticed two local celebrities in Belton and Honea Path this past week! The smiling faces of our Teacher of the Year, Rebecca Bruce, and our Support Staff Member of the Year, Kim Terbeek, are on display in hopes to give them the recognition they so richly deserve. We appreciate you both!