Please use this link to access the state testing calendar for our district. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?color=%239fc6e7&src=c_vh2dlfdp8hsfcqqqkndt9amkb0@group.calendar.google.com

Last evening was a perfect night for Coach Stephenson to host a track meet at BHP! Go Bears 🐻

Students are working hard at Marshall Primary School!

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Jeremy Sauceman, Principal at HPES, is the recipient of the Inez Tenebaum Fellowship. This fellowship is awarded each year by the South Carolina State Department of Education to one individual of their School Leadership Executive Institute. Anderson School District Two is proud and grateful for Principal Sauceman’s leadership.

Congratulations to our ASD2 Teachers of the Year and Support Staff of the Year!

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We are quickly filling the spots available for our FREE CERDEP 4K Program in Anderson 2. We have two spots remaining at MPS and a few remaining at HPES. If you are interested in your child attending for the 2023-24 school year, please apply today.

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Congratulations to Wright Elementary School's Above and Beyond the Call of Duty (ABCD) Award recipient, Cacy Rice! Mrs. Rice was nominated by her co-workers for being helpful, encouraging, organized, and efficient. Thanks for all that you do, Mrs. Rice!

Congratulations to Karleigh Langley. Karleigh recently won her weight class in the girls middle school wrestling division at the Carolina Invitational. Way to go, Karleigh!

Belton Middle School would like to recognize 8th grader, Christopher Proveaux. Christopher treats everyone the way he wants to be treated. He is very respectful to all adults and sets a great example for his classmates. He is very talented and has goals of becoming a professional animator, musician or astronaut. We are so proud of Christopher in and out of the classroom and we know he will be very successful in the future. We appreciate Christopher and his kind heart!

Congratulations to Karleigh Langley. Karleigh recently won her weight class in the girls middle school wrestling division at the Carolina Invitational. Way to go, Karleigh!

HPES had a visit from the Greenville Drive mascot, Reedy Rip'It.

The ASD2 School Board recognized the following groups of students for their recent achievements: All-State Choir with Mrs. Melissa Henderson, State Wrestling Champions with Coach Chris Strickland, and BHP Cheerleading State Champions with Mrs. Stephanie Cooley-Hughes. The BHP Foreign Language Teachers at BHP were also recognized by Principal Mary Boarts for going above and beyond to help students successfully transition to BHP. ASD2 is blessed with the best!

Three Marshall Primary School students recited the Pledge of Allegiance during the March Board meeting. Kingsley Ouzts, granddaughter of Board Member Jimmy Ouzts; Callie Tysl, granddaughter of Board Member Greg Tysl; and Farrah Johns, daughter of Superintendent Jason Johns.

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Congratulations to HPMS Ideals Art students Elaina Lopez-Ayala and Paisley Kay for placing 1st and 3rd respectively among their peers in the 2023 ASD2 Spring Art Show! We are proud of these talented young ladies, and we encourage all ASD2 families to go visit the Belton Center for the Arts to view the student exhibits which will be on display through March 22nd.

If your child attends one of our elementary schools or the primary school, please complete this brief survey. Thank you!