An opportunity to learn of local resources and receive free food! The Resource Roundabout is sponsored by United Way of Anderson County and the food distribution is sponsored by Second Harvest Food Bank.
about 2 years ago, ASD2
Resource Roundabout
ASD2 School Board Meeting will be held on Monday, March 13, 2023. Please click on the following link to view the agenda.
about 2 years ago, ASD2
Board Meeting
An opportunity to learn of local resources and receive free food! The Resource Roundabout is sponsored by United Way of Anderson County and the food distribution is sponsored by Second Harvest Food Bank.
about 2 years ago, ASD2
Resource Roundabouts
Congratulations to Kerry Anderson for being Belton Elementary School's first ABCD Award recipient! Mrs. Anderson teaches ELA in the 5th grade, and was nominated by parents and co-workers for this award. Thank you for all of your hard work! ABCD-Above and Beyond the Call of Duty
about 2 years ago, ASD2
BES Teacher Spotlight
MPS welcomed guest readers this week! Thank you to all who volunteered.
about 2 years ago, ASD2
Guest readers at MPS
WES is so proud of all of our students who have artwork on display at the Belton Center for the Arts. These students were chosen for special honors. Aubrey Smith - 3rd place, Tessa Gable - 2nd place, Ariana Melnichenko - 1st place.
about 2 years ago, ASD2
student spotlight
Join us at the annual Marvel Pancake Breakfast hosted by the BHP Choral Department! This event will be held on March 18, 2023 from 9am to 11am at BHP. Tickets are $12 for a Marvel meet and greet with breakfast. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
about 2 years ago, ASD2
Marvel Pancake Breakfast
Join the ASD2 team!
about 2 years ago, ASD2
Job opening
Join the ASD2 team!
about 2 years ago, ASD2
Job opening
Anderson School District Two 4K and 5K registration for the 23-24 school year is now live. Don't wait--Register today.
about 2 years ago, ASD2
registration for 4K and 5K
Belton Middle School has the best students in South Carolina! This special group of students were praised by several teachers. Zeke Burns has a good attitude and is always polite in the classroom. Shane Wood consistently works hard and does exactly what he is supposed to at all times. Warren King is always ready to participate and works hard consistently. Harper Curry is a hard worker in the classroom. We are so proud of these students and the examples they set for their fellow classmates.
about 2 years ago, ASD2
BMS spotlight on students
HPES is so thankful for all of the wonderful women in our community. We all appreciate your willingness to participate in school events.
about 2 years ago, ASD2
Event spotlight HPES
Join us Thursday, Feb. 23 from 3:00-6:00 at the Belton Center for the Arts for the Opening Reception of our ASD2 student artwork.
about 2 years ago, ASD2
Art showcase
The BHP Chamber Singers were given the opportunity of a lifetime to travel to Italy last week. Students sang during mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City and in Pompeii.
about 2 years ago, ASD2
students in rome
Students on spanish steps
We have the best drivers anywhere! We are so thankful to have drivers with decades of experience that can share their wisdom with newer drivers just starting this noble career. Anderson 2 drivers work hard and focus on child safety at all times. We all have the best time working together as a team. Many people say, “I could never be a bus driver.” That is true, it takes a special person to do this day in and day out and at Anderson 2, we found those special people! If you want to share your appreciation for our bus drivers, please stop when you see red lights flashing on the bus. If you know a bus driver, tell them thanks. Drivers are often the unsung heroes of education!!
about 2 years ago, ASD2
Mr. Craig King from the Palmetto State Teachers Association dropped by HPMS this week to deliver a special recognition banner to Mrs. Kim Hayes to honor her as the Anderson District 2 Teacher of the Year for 2022-2023! Congratulations Mrs. Hayes!
about 2 years ago, ASD2
teacher of the year
Anderson School District Two and Belton Middle School wishes to express our sincere condolences to the family of Caden Grant. Caden passed away Wednesday evening. He was an eighth-grade student at Belton Middle School. Caden was part of our 8th grade Band and Jazz Band. Please join us in offering your thoughts and prayers to Caden's family, as well as the Belton Middle School family.
about 2 years ago, ASD2 Communications
Belton Middle School logo
Anderson School District Two student artwork from all 7 schools will be on display at the Belton Center for the Arts. Opening reception for the month-long event will be held February 23rd from 3:00-6:00.
about 2 years ago, ASD2
Art Showcase
Wright Elementary Students, Kaylynn Rice and Silas Clark, recited the Pledge of Allegiance during the February Board Meeting. Thank you Kaylynn and Silas!
about 2 years ago, ASD2
ASD2 will be closed for students on Friday, February 17th for Professional Development and Monday, February 20th for Presidents' Day.
about 2 years ago, Tara Brice
No school on Feb. 17 or Feb. 20